Dance Classes in Winchester & Woodstock
As the premier dance school in the northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, we offer classes in a range of dance styles at our Winchester and Woodstock dance studios.

Winchester Dance Classes
Join us at our Winchester dance studio for a wide array of dance classes and styles. Our primary location offers programs for all ages, including adult dance classes.

Woodstock Dance Classes
Choose from a growing selection of dance and ballet classes for kids and teens at our Woodstock / Edinburg location.

Summer Programs
Explore a range of summer dance camps at our Winchester dance studio. For students ages 6 to 9.
“It is a remarkable moment in the arts when a person has trained the body sufficiently to release the soul. It is apparent in every aspect. They radiate happiness.”
~ Lorenza Manara Marchi, Italia Performing Arts CEO & School Principal
Styles of Dance
Our dance programs are rooted in tradition and classical dance techniques. By providing a nurturing environment and excellent training, we enable our students to blossom into superior performers.
Learn moreThe Italia Way: A Holistic Approach to Dance

At Italia Performing Arts, we believe being a dancer is about more than attending dance classes or putting on dance performances. It is about immersing yourself in the soul of dance.
For that reason, we encourage all our students to take a holistic approach to their studies. That means fully committing to taking care of the whole self: body, mind, and soul.
In addition to taking care of the self and attending classes consistently, we recommend students:
- listen to classical music regularly
- attend the ballet in person
- participate in class travel excursions locally and abroad (such as our Dance in Italy program)
By adopting dance as a lifestyle, not a pastime, students are able to fully reap the benefits of ballet and dance.
Italia Special Programs
In addition to our Woodstock / Edinburg and Winchester classical ballet and dance classes, Italia also offers the following special programs for dance students and teachers.
Upcoming Events
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, June 2025
Scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Edwin Landseer, c. 1850, public domain
Italia Performing Arts is pleased to announce its Summer Show 2025, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Venue and Times
Venue to be announced
Provisionally Saturday June 14th, 2025, 1:00 and 5:00 pm
Tickets will be on sale, only through our ticket agency SimpleTix, and not at Italia studios. Details will be announced later. All seating is reserved.
Buy Tickets (placeholder)Help Keep Ballet Alive
To further the mission of bringing classical ballet and dance to rural and under-served areas, Italia Performing Arts owner Lorenza Manara Marchi supports a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called Italia Performing Arts Institute.
One of the main activities of the Institute is fundraising, which provides scholarships to families interested in exposing their children to classical training in the arts but who need help covering costs.
Your generous contributions ensure children, especially those from under-served rural areas and with special needs, can continue to learn and discover the beauty and joy of dance.
Donate Now